Ok, so I'm out riding the old Vespa again today, and I see the following sign in front of a church:
People without Christ in their life are like a pencil without a lead - there is no point.
Straightaway, my mind goes into overdrive thinking about this as I ride down the road. This is the train of thought that went chugging down the tracks of my brain: I get it. As a believer, I know that having Christ in my life gives purpose and meaning to me. It is the focal point of my existence. I do indeed feel that with Jesus in my life, I have a real reason to live - something beyond living the daily grind. Something more than making a living, having a little fun, and trying to make something useful of my life on my way to the grave. And once I arrive there, I have some place far better waiting.
But what is the message of the sign to a non-believer? I wonder how seeing these words would make me feel if I were (lost, heathen, unregenerate, sinner, un-born-again...you fill in whatever churchy sounding pejorative that is parlayed around in your house of worship for those who have yet to "see the light"). This is where I got rather sad. I think I would have been slightly offended. Those words would have said to me that those on the inside think they're better, smarter, more tuned-in to what really matters. You see, as far as I'm concerned my life does have a point, though it may not be the same one you subscribe to. But I do have a reason to live. In short - this would not make me want to suddenly turn in, rush to the altar and give my heart to your Jesus. Because if I am one of those aimless wanderers - one of those pencils without a lead - you have just turned me off with your elitist, glib attitude. Instead of building a bridge to "reach me" - you have just put up a road-block.
Hear me now, please. I'm sure the folks in that church mean well. I'm convinced they probably really do love people and want to help them, win them, convert them, and put them on the "straight and narrow," because they really feel that what they (we) have is real and genuine. But I think we have to stop putting signs out that we think are cute, catchy, and clever. (Oooh, "point" is a killer play on words!) I think we need to seriously examine how we come across to the rest of the world. Let's make sure that we don't say or do anything that promotes an "us versus them" mentality. Because guess what? Those lost people passing by our church signs....? They are just like us. They are our friends and family. They are us...but by the grace of God.
Let's start communicating something meaningful that let's them know we aren't judging, we aren't "spiritually stuck-up," and we aren't supermen. We are just poor, lost wanderers whom God welcomed in from the cold. We are beggars who found One who gives free bread. We are sinners who found grace abounding and redeeming.
End of sermon...er...I mean rant.
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